Abused Moms

Will I Get A 3rd Chance to Obey

Good early morning BOMB.com mommas! It’s me here, just up at 2:33am, unable to fall back to sleep.

So, I write…

An update on all things life.

Recently, I transitioned from being unemployed after leaving my teaching job in Jan 2024, to returning to a traditional 9-5 federal job at the end of Aug 2024. I don’t quite know how to feel about this. I’m grateful for income and the ability to provide for my kiddos and I, but there is a level of discontentment in my heart. I believe this feeling is the inner knowing that I did not maximize my time during my season of rest. I regret my lack of intention in consistently pursuing self-care/growth and entrepreneurial ventures. I wonder had I taken action and consistently pursued these two goals with ferver and tenacity, would I be in a different place financially and personally?

So, I write…

Now, during this “go” season, I’m balancing motherhood, self-care, ministry, a job, and everything else that comes with the day-to-day. I’m trying to avoid burnout, so I’m returning to sit at the Father’s feet. I simply cannot and do not have the luxury of flying by the seat of my pants hoping that I’m doing what I’m suppose to do. I’m not in my 20s anymore.

As a 44 year old woman, I am challenged to create a mission statement, vision statement, and core values for my life. Thanks pastor for the gentle nudge to do so, emphasizing that I must create a strategy for success.

So, I write…

I’m at the beginning of this new season and have repented to the Lord for being prideful; to assume I have time to waste and to assume that I get a 3rd chance to get it right and obey God’s instructions is very foolish. So Lord, please have mercy! Help me to humbly lean and depend on you! Please birth vision in my heart and help me to take action, follow through, and to complete the call!

In Jesus name,


Well ladies, back to sleep I go! 😊

Please pray for me as I pray for you.


Monique’s Moments

Hello my fellow mommies!!! 😊 My name is Monique Jameison and I love writing!!! I will share my heart on topics that bring healing to me with hopes that you find something that speaks to your situation and encourages you to know that you are the B.O.M.B.com, despite your circumstance as a mom who may be experiencing burnout; hence the acronym B.O.M.B.com (The Burnt-Out Mommy Blog)! As I authentically share my journey, I graciously call my posts, "Monique's Moments". I welcome you to come along this journey with me... I am a newly single mommy of three amazing kiddos: Stephen (14), Taiden (6), and Ivy-Mone't (3). I am a survivor of abuse and am recently divorced after almost 16 years of marriage. Now, I am on a journey of healing and rediscovering who I am in this new season of life. I am a follower and lover of Jesus and biblical truth is the final authority in my life. I value the model of the traditional family as being between one woman and one man who have been created in God's image to serve in unique roles within the family unit. I value the role of the man in the family and his unique role to lead, serve, provide, and protect his wife and children under God's headship. I value the role of the woman in the family and her unique role to submit to her husband, serve her family, and mother her children by nurturing, loving, rearing, and teaching them. Due to sin and living in a fallen world, the family unit is under attack by the very enemy of our soul, the devil. The American culture is counter to and makes it very hard for mankind to walkout biblical truth. As such, homes are broken and our children are being raised inside of single-family homes mostly absent from fathers, distracted by two working parents with little time to fully engage their children with intention, and overly stimulated children glued to technology as electronic baby-sitters. I admit, I am guilty of it ALL! I am a mother raising children in a broken home, work outside of the home, and use technology out of balance. As a Christian, I am not perfect, I am progressing! I thank God for Jesus' blood shed for my sins and I have hope in God's provision forward! As an intentionally mommy, I commit to surrounding my children with people, places, and things that reinforce God’s design for marriage and family, and value the role of the church as a community of believers whose purpose is to be God’s hands and feet. I BLOG from a place of empathy, experience, authenticity, and LOVE! I will approach this blog with positivity and will seek to understand a person's uniquely lived experience and engage from a posture of non-judgement and encourage my fellow reader to pray and do the same. En Christ’s Love, Monique J. Jameison

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