• ALL Moms,  Single Moms

    Teens and Things…exhausted in the battle

    Well, burning the midnight oil again! It’s actually 1:22am and somehow I have not been able to sleep at night recently. Not sure why, but I pray for sweet rest and the Lord’s revelation of this season in life. As I reflect on my day, what sticks out the most is a disagreement that my eldest son and I had. As we transported groceries from the car to home, I lashed out at him on the elevator, in response to his abrupt and harsh communication with his seven-year-old brother. I felt his communication was a bit harsh and to be quite honest, I was triggered as it reminded me of…

  • ALL Moms

    GRATITUDE for the Father

    Thank you, heavenly father for being all that to me, When you sit on the thrown as Deity! You didn’t have to come down and sup with me, But you did by sacrificing your life on Calvary! Bloodshed, stains, pierced in the side. Never mumbled a word of resistance, yet cried… “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. Remember this was the plan back in Genesis 2. When we created man in Our image, Knowing the day would come That I’d say, IT IS FINISH, the victory is won!” So, thank you, heavenly father for being all that to me, When you sit on the thrown as…

  • Mocha Moms

    The Normalization of Strength, Struggle, and “Hard Work”​ of Black women and the Need to shift the needle to a softer life of receiving!

    Well mommas…I’m burning the midnight oil as the last kiddos just lie down to bed at 11:03pm. My morning routine begins at 5:30am, so chop chop, let’s get this convo started. Hello my fellow mommies and welcome to MOMs R The B.O.M.B.com! Today’s topic is one that I experience personally as an African American Mom in the US; burnout and the normalizing of “Doing” and “Penetrating” and “Going Hard” and “leading Strong” as a Black working mom! The sentence alone is exhausting! I would love to be given the permission to simply “Rest” and “Receive” and “Balance my competing priorities from a place of “FULL”fillment and peace” and “lead in…

  • ALL Moms


    Hello again my AMAZING fellow mommies! So, in the recent months, I was presented with a job opportunity that would allow my kiddos and I to relocated back to the DFW, TX area. It was a lateral move with double the pay, working in a familiar environment with a former employer. The offer came during a time I had been eager for change and seeking the Lord on next steps. Well, the kicker is that after negotiating a start date, the employer was only able to push the date out to April 2022. With many things to consider, including my middle schooler and I graduating in May 2022, this decision…

  • ALL Moms

    Welcome Mommies to 2022

    Post #2 (or so)…what an accomplishment if I say so myself! 🙂 This is my second post since beginning my journey of obedience to God in creating a platform for mommies alike! Yes, it has been almost four months since my initial post, however, I anticipate posting to my Blog more regularly going forward. 2022 has started off as a year of reflection and slow progress as I am being challenged to create a mental space and commitment to embracing the NOW and not my NEXT. As a member of Transformation Nation, the online ministry of Transformation Church, Pastors Mike and Natalie Todd, this year’s theme is, “Here is Holy”,…

  • ALL Moms

    The Rollercoaster Ride of Parenting

    Today was a good day! I got the kiddos off to school, talked to my BFF about life, worked from home, and somehow, gradually, smack dead in the middle of it all, a strong feeling of depression came over me! I had no words. All I wanted to be was alone with my thoughts and figure out the “why” of life. I mean, all I want is quite simple, my kiddos to be happy, financial security, a clear road map to the next stop in life, and to not have to be strong for everyone around me! No words spoken, yet the feelings overwhelmed me as I lie in the…

  • ALL Moms

    In The Beginning…

    In the beginning, life was ideal; the hubby, then kids, an ideal job…what a thrill! Then kid two and now kid three, minus a husband (sigh) oh ME!!! So, what do I do when life takes a turn, I trust the One who has ALL power in His hands! I take each moment, one step at a time and breathe when I don’t understand the reason WHY. Today, I’ve decided to map each day. To begin the healing process, while on my way! I will arise from the ashes a new and free because I’m determined to SEE; beyond rose colored glasses to a dawn a new, a new horizon…

  • ALL Moms

    Hello world!

    What happens when you experience mommy burnout? The definition of burn is to destroy, damage, or injure by heat or fire. As a mom, the last thing you want to do is hurt the people that you love. But when your tank is empty and you are forced to keep going, what happens to You? What happens to everything that you tough? It eventually burns out. Welcome to Moms R the B.O.M.B.com! The acronym B.O.M.B stands for Burnt Out Mommy Blog. In this community, we share and grow and learn and get empowered to lead lives that thrive and honor God as we parent with intention. Though we may enter…

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