ALL Moms,  Working Moms

Moms amongst women leaving the workplace

Hello mommas!

So, I posted on LinkedIn this morning and I thought I’d share with our working moms as well.

There was a trending article from Forbes that was posted by LinkedIn News titled, “The ‘Great Breakup’ And Why Women Leaders Are Leaving Companies At Higher Rates” This article shared stats and reasons for women leaving the workforce. Amongst the top reasons was burnout, sharing that 43% of women, compared to 31% of men in leadership experienced burnout. I reposted the article under my page and added my own perspective that highlighted additional findings.

Today, I wanted to hop onto my blog to share with you my perspective on, “WHY AE WOMEN LEAVING?”…

I believe women are leaving due to competing priorities to include our role as mom. The pandemic shed light on so much of what we were missing at home. To return to work and to engage in a pre-pandemic infrastructure, culture, and mindset is not only outdated, but unhealthy. Women lead different than men. We lead from a place of passion and value-add! We rarely choose for money alone (though enticing). Instead, we value what feeds us! We value what serves us! We value a mission that supports our inner beliefs that are consistent with what is demonstrated within our personal lives! As such, women should be valued in a way that welcomes our uniqueness and abilities that stem from what makes us woMAN; our femininity!

It’s hard and mostly impossible to lead with compassion, empathy, support, innovation, creativity, flare, class, softness, and beauty when we are burnout! These unique qualities in addition to being hard working, multi-taskers, smart, critical thinkers, and innate competitors that look for ways to provide a win-win situation are what we bring to the table when we are well rested, well cared for, valued, honored, recognized, seen, heard, and believed!

So, you ask for an added perspective on why women are leaving the workforce, especially women in leadership roles, well…

Liken this to an unhealthy or toxic relationship. Women leave when we have tried EVERYTHING to tell you what hurts, what’s not working, what offends us, what makes us unhappy and even what makes us sad. When we have politely shared our truth and ask things to change and our tear have fallen on deaf ears, we stop talking and we no longer share what is bothering us. When we’ve screamed in a posture of self-advocacy with no reciprocity of changed behavior we grow silent! Instead, we create a plan of escape. We simply remove ourselves from the relationship, never to return again!

We STOP the vicious cycle of abuse! We heal! We pause long enough to reinvent ourselves! We start again, only from a place of wholeness! We then reevaluate what is important and open ourselves to pour into something or someone who calmes us! And ANY sign or trait that makes us question our value, we do not tolerate. We have learned to love self enough to leave again, but this time much sooner than before.

No longer are women sitting by the waste side of life hoping to be valued. We are realizing that the journey less traveled is the road we WILL discover, even if we must go alone! Even if we must step away from a position of power because that position does not serve or feed our most vulnerable places. When the love and passion and purpose is gone, so is the woman who understands that her ultimate position of power is found in her femininity. Why? Because she is more fierce and able to give in the position of REST!

Hello my fellow mommies!!! 😊 My name is Monique Jameison and I love writing!!! I will share my heart on topics that bring healing to me with hopes that you find something that speaks to your situation and encourages you to know that you are the, despite your circumstance as a mom who may be experiencing burnout; hence the acronym (The Burnt-Out Mommy Blog)! As I authentically share my journey, I graciously call my posts, "Monique's Moments". I welcome you to come along this journey with me... I am a newly single mommy of three amazing kiddos: Stephen (14), Taiden (6), and Ivy-Mone't (3). I am a survivor of abuse and am recently divorced after almost 16 years of marriage. Now, I am on a journey of healing and rediscovering who I am in this new season of life. I am a follower and lover of Jesus and biblical truth is the final authority in my life. I value the model of the traditional family as being between one woman and one man who have been created in God's image to serve in unique roles within the family unit. I value the role of the man in the family and his unique role to lead, serve, provide, and protect his wife and children under God's headship. I value the role of the woman in the family and her unique role to submit to her husband, serve her family, and mother her children by nurturing, loving, rearing, and teaching them. Due to sin and living in a fallen world, the family unit is under attack by the very enemy of our soul, the devil. The American culture is counter to and makes it very hard for mankind to walkout biblical truth. As such, homes are broken and our children are being raised inside of single-family homes mostly absent from fathers, distracted by two working parents with little time to fully engage their children with intention, and overly stimulated children glued to technology as electronic baby-sitters. I admit, I am guilty of it ALL! I am a mother raising children in a broken home, work outside of the home, and use technology out of balance. As a Christian, I am not perfect, I am progressing! I thank God for Jesus' blood shed for my sins and I have hope in God's provision forward! As an intentionally mommy, I commit to surrounding my children with people, places, and things that reinforce God’s design for marriage and family, and value the role of the church as a community of believers whose purpose is to be God’s hands and feet. I BLOG from a place of empathy, experience, authenticity, and LOVE! I will approach this blog with positivity and will seek to understand a person's uniquely lived experience and engage from a posture of non-judgement and encourage my fellow reader to pray and do the same. En Christ’s Love, Monique J. Jameison

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