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Momma, take time for you…

Well mommas, it’s been a very long time since I’ve posted! So, Happy New Year, welcome to 2023 (😬🤷🏽‍♀️)and I hope you have enjoyed all of the holidays, family vacations, school-year, graduations, and other fun fare!

Now it’s summer time and the kiddos are out of school. Whether you’re working full-time, part-time, hybrid, or a stay-at-home mom, married momma, single momma, divorced or separated momma, this post is for you!

As I sit alone in Pappadeaux, admiring the organized chaos, background chatter amongst friends and families alike, on a busy Sunday afternoon, I am so grateful to have a moment of uninterrupted solace and the space to reflect on my life after divorce and my journey through motherhood.

To be honest, life has been “life-ing” since we last connected.

As you all know, I relocated to the DFW area back in August of 2022 from my hometown (St. Louis, MO area) after accepting a position at a major college and with the Lord’s leading. The bonus was being able to live close to my sister and her family, brother and best friend, and transition my children into a family oriented and thriving environment! Home will ALWAYS be home, but my mission and purpose is to intentionally pour into myself, my purpose, my partner (kingdom spouse when he arrives 😉), and my children…in that order! (Side note…this order is not open for debate, but I will share my perspective in a different post fully dedicated to my perspective! 😊

Well, I was laid off of my job as of December 31st! The position was grant-funded and due to an internal error during the grant renewal process, my position was impacted! I was NOT devastated by the news, but my ego, pride, and coins was! 😂 I can laugh now, since time has past, but initially, my feelings were a bit hurt! As a natural leader and high achiever, I’d normally self-advocate(I.e. fight for me…), send emails and CC the powers that be, to ensure the “internal error” would not be at my expense! However, at the time, I was several months in on my feminine and rest journey, which heightened my senses and awareness that my current work/life balance would soon be out of wack if I continued down the same road. The work environment was fighting against my efforts to invest in me. During my daily commute to and from work, I shared my heart authentically with the Lord, many times complaining about the long commute, lack of boundaries within the work environment that interfered with my life outside of traditional work hours, and the culture to “prove” and “perform”. Honestly, at 42 years old and during the stage of life that I’m in, I forfeit the fight! Maybe in my 20s and early 30s, but not now. I had finally gotten to a point that I found my value in me simply being ME! I was working so hard to shift my mindset that I am valuable outside of my ability to give and penetrate and prove and fight and advocate and sacrifice and deny myself and do! So, I decided against the fight and rested in the Lord (after snot and tears and feeling like I lost, although inwardly I knew differently). I felt a peace to simply sit back, rest, and to allow the cards to fall where where they be. My co-workers, old colleagues in leadership positions (I worked for the college before) resisted the urge to fight for me out of respect for my unwillingness to interfere with the process. In the end, as humbling as it was, I chose ME!

To date, I remain unemployed and am embracing being a full-time mom and am exploring my entrepreneurial endeavors to operate in purpose and to supplement income. To go from having great income from a traditional and consistent job to having no income and trusting Gods sovereignty and provision requires faith, trust, consistency, and belief that I am enough and I that I have what it takes inside of me to continue my journey of BECOMING…

So mommas, remember, it’s okay to take time for you! Your journey and decisions and faith-level may be different than mine, but we serve a God who sees, hears, and answers our prayers! Now that I am out in the deep, like Peter, and am trusting the God of my salvation and the lover of my soul, I remain sure and very sure that the work that He began in me shall be completed. If He cares for the little bitty bird and they don’t work or toil, I am confident that he will take care of me and my children. Lastly, I stand on the work of God that states in Psalms 37: 23-25…

Psalms 37:23-25

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

Love you mommas and remember, you are the!

Hello my fellow mommies!!! 😊 My name is Monique Jameison and I love writing!!! I will share my heart on topics that bring healing to me with hopes that you find something that speaks to your situation and encourages you to know that you are the, despite your circumstance as a mom who may be experiencing burnout; hence the acronym (The Burnt-Out Mommy Blog)! As I authentically share my journey, I graciously call my posts, "Monique's Moments". I welcome you to come along this journey with me... I am a newly single mommy of three amazing kiddos: Stephen (14), Taiden (6), and Ivy-Mone't (3). I am a survivor of abuse and am recently divorced after almost 16 years of marriage. Now, I am on a journey of healing and rediscovering who I am in this new season of life. I am a follower and lover of Jesus and biblical truth is the final authority in my life. I value the model of the traditional family as being between one woman and one man who have been created in God's image to serve in unique roles within the family unit. I value the role of the man in the family and his unique role to lead, serve, provide, and protect his wife and children under God's headship. I value the role of the woman in the family and her unique role to submit to her husband, serve her family, and mother her children by nurturing, loving, rearing, and teaching them. Due to sin and living in a fallen world, the family unit is under attack by the very enemy of our soul, the devil. The American culture is counter to and makes it very hard for mankind to walkout biblical truth. As such, homes are broken and our children are being raised inside of single-family homes mostly absent from fathers, distracted by two working parents with little time to fully engage their children with intention, and overly stimulated children glued to technology as electronic baby-sitters. I admit, I am guilty of it ALL! I am a mother raising children in a broken home, work outside of the home, and use technology out of balance. As a Christian, I am not perfect, I am progressing! I thank God for Jesus' blood shed for my sins and I have hope in God's provision forward! As an intentionally mommy, I commit to surrounding my children with people, places, and things that reinforce God’s design for marriage and family, and value the role of the church as a community of believers whose purpose is to be God’s hands and feet. I BLOG from a place of empathy, experience, authenticity, and LOVE! I will approach this blog with positivity and will seek to understand a person's uniquely lived experience and engage from a posture of non-judgement and encourage my fellow reader to pray and do the same. En Christ’s Love, Monique J. Jameison

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