• Abused Moms

    Will I Get A 3rd Chance to Obey

    Good early morning BOMB.com mommas! It’s me here, just up at 2:33am, unable to fall back to sleep. So, I write… An update on all things life. Recently, I transitioned from being unemployed after leaving my teaching job in Jan 2024, to returning to a traditional 9-5 federal job at the end of Aug 2024. I don’t quite know how to feel about this. I’m grateful for income and the ability to provide for my kiddos and I, but there is a level of discontentment in my heart. I believe this feeling is the inner knowing that I did not maximize my time during my season of rest. I regret…

  • Abused Moms,  ALL Moms,  Mocha Moms,  Single Moms,  Working Moms

    “Why are so many “STRONG”Black Women Single?”

    Well bomb.com mommas, how have you been?! 🙂It has been a long time since I’ve posted. This post is inspired by a private Facebook page for single Black Christians. Since my brain began to spin with so many ideals and thoughts about the subject, here I post… A single Christian Black male posted a meme to engage conversation amongst followers. The meme stated, “Why are so many strong Black women single?” See my response below… You know…as a Black woman who is divorced after almost 16 years, I can only give perspective in hindsight and while on my self rediscovery journey. The “strong” Black woman in my humble opinion was…

  • ALL Moms

    Love Letter to the Father

    Lord, Lately I’ve been feeling like a Martha,working my way.Instead of trusting your plan like Mary and seeking your face. Guide me back to You, my heart has grown weary.Feeling dried up like the River Euphrates. I need Your living water cause you paid the price for me.Over 2000 years ago back on Calvary. I rest in you my Savior, my King, my Friend!You alone know my beginning from my end! So no longer will I toil, worry, and fight alone.Like a stranger deserted on an island without a home. You are my Strength, my Redeemer that lives.I rest in You Jehovah Jireh like a baby in a crib! Totally…

  • Abused Moms,  ALL Moms,  Mocha Moms,  Single Moms

    The Ache in the Waiting – God, where is my husband! 😞

    Well mommas, some days are great, but today my soul aches and longs to be loved and held by a man; not just any man, but my purpose partner-my future husband! As I sit on my son’s bed, trying to retreat from my five and eight year old littles who quietly snuck into my bed in the wee hours of the morning and took over my king-sized bed, I am attempting to find rest and peace from the thoughts that are overtaking my nights rest, so I write. It’s 6:18am and my teenage son’s bedroom is next door. He’s awake having his devotional time with the Lord, headphones in ear…

  • ALL Moms,  Mocha Moms,  Single Moms,  Working Moms

    Momma, take time for you…

    Well mommas, it’s been a very long time since I’ve posted! So, Happy New Year, welcome to 2023 (😬🤷🏽‍♀️)and I hope you have enjoyed all of the holidays, family vacations, school-year, graduations, and other fun fare! Now it’s summer time and the kiddos are out of school. Whether you’re working full-time, part-time, hybrid, or a stay-at-home mom, married momma, single momma, divorced or separated momma, this post is for you! As I sit alone in Pappadeaux, admiring the organized chaos, background chatter amongst friends and families alike, on a busy Sunday afternoon, I am so grateful to have a moment of uninterrupted solace and the space to reflect on my…

  • Abused Moms

    Lady in waiting…Trusting God in a season of singleness when your heart desires marriage (again)

    WHAT A SEASON this has been!!! To go from marriage, to divorce, to focusing on self and rearing kiddos, I realize that marriage is ABSOLUTELY my heart’s desire sooner than later. But what is a girl to do when God is preparing her to become the best version of one’s self and the waiting process seems too much to bare? Answer pending cause baby the only thing I can confirm is that I’m trusting God although it’s taking longer than I want it to. I feel that the institution of marriage is not only beneficial for a family unit, but God’s design for those who desire it!

  • Abused Moms

    Wake-up Monique!!!

    Hello fellow mommies!!! Welcome to 2023! I’m so excited to be here in the land of the living! So much has happened since my last post. Lots of life transitions but I am forever grateful to the lover of my soul Jesus! For He is a sustainer and keeper! He is a mind regulator and more importantly, HIs love is excessive! As I listen to the song Excess Love Remix by JJ Hairston & Mercy Chinwo, I sit in awe and wonder at just how good He is! The lyrics say, “Oh Oh Oh, You love me too much Oh! Your love is kind! Your love is Patient! You fill…

  • ALL Moms

    Attitude of Gratitude to the Father!!!

    As I burn the midnight oil at 1:21am on 11/30/2022, I take-in all the happenings that the month of November brought. This month was definitely one I would describe as intentional communication, declaration, and warfare. As I put the babies to sleep, I awoke this evening to check on my oldest son just to find out that he had a fever and was under the weather. So, like the mom I am, I prayed over him, gave him meds, and sat with him as he drifted back off to sleep. I walked into the kitchen and all I could hear in my spirit is write. Honestly, I have no clue…

  • ALL Moms,  Single Moms

    Holy and Horny vs Holy and Whole – God’s Plan for sexual purity after Divorce!

    Hey momma’s!!! Sooooo, why did no one tell me about the sexual urges that remain after the divorce??? I’m waiting!!! (wink) I feel like I woke up one morning and was slapped with a burst of sexual energy that I could NOT explain. I felt completely frustrated and knew that I did not have license to satisfy! So, what’s a girl to do??? This was the question and journey that I took a few months after my divorce. Initially after my divorce, I felt completely numb to any emotions which scared me as an empath. However, it was during this season that I was singularly focused on graduate school and…

  • ALL Moms,  Working Moms

    Moms amongst women leaving the workplace

    Hello BOMB.com mommas! So, I posted on LinkedIn this morning and I thought I’d share with our working moms as well. There was a trending article from Forbes that was posted by LinkedIn News titled, “The ‘Great Breakup’ And Why Women Leaders Are Leaving Companies At Higher Rates” This article shared stats and reasons for women leaving the workforce. Amongst the top reasons was burnout, sharing that 43% of women, compared to 31% of men in leadership experienced burnout. I reposted the article under my page and added my own perspective that highlighted additional findings. Today, I wanted to hop onto my blog to share with you my perspective on,…

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